Pop song choreography Wallahi ma Tanaddi by Aliah

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A sensual choreography based on song Wallahi ma Tanaddi by Sirian singer Asala. This choreography is made for beginners’ level, but its difficulty is in the emotional content of the song.
You can use this full choreography to perform on stage as well as use its combinations to create your own choreography. Lyrics translation is attached (for subscribers only).
In this video you will find:
- Explanation of movements and combos used in this choreography.
- Detailed explanation of each part of choreography.
- Dance of each part by count.
- Dance of each part with music.
- Dance of full choreography with music by face and by back.
Video length: 48:20
Choreography length: 02:25
Language: English
Subtitles: English, Russian, German, French
Difficulty level: Easy
Music: Asala — Wallahi ma Tanaddi Google Play Music, YouTube
Camera, sound, postproduction: Vladimir Kluchenkov
finally spent 1 week and I just master this choreography, it is easy and relax music, I love this king of pop song,
my suggestion is that OK put a mirror in front of us, bc I feel a little confused when u facing to us, you go with yr left side and I easily go with right side.
thank you for your class!
Thank you for learning with us!
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